Judge Michael Pastor agreed to forward proceedings to March 24 and allow television cameras to film the trial
1." Judge Michael Pastor agreed to forward proceedings to March 24 and allow television cameras to film the trial. I'm already having White Bronco flashbacks.Just a little tidbit for you guys, Dr. Murray was making $150K a month as Michael's doctor. That makes it a little hard to say no to MJ.
If he's convicted he will face a maximum of four years in prison."
(sursa : http://www.hollyscoop.com )
2." Michael Jackson was in such a weakened state before he died ... it's unfair to blame his death on Propofol ...and we've learned this is precisely what lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray will argue to a jury.
Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ ... Dr. Murray's team will argue that at the time of his death, Jackson's body was failing him ... partly because he was "driven over the edge" by AEG to rehearse for his upcoming tour.
We're told Murray's lawyers will call witnesses to testify that Jackson was not showing up for rehearsals -- and when he did show, he was exhibiting "clear signs" of failing health.
The upshot of the defense ... even if jurors believe Dr. Murray administered the fatal dose of Propofol, Jackson was already in failing health.
But as TMZ has already reported ... Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol to himself when Murray was out of the room. "
sursa : www.tmz.com
1." Judge Michael Pastor agreed to forward proceedings to March 24 and allow television cameras to film the trial. I'm already having White Bronco flashbacks.Just a little tidbit for you guys, Dr. Murray was making $150K a month as Michael's doctor. That makes it a little hard to say no to MJ.
If he's convicted he will face a maximum of four years in prison."
(sursa : http://www.hollyscoop.com )
2." Michael Jackson was in such a weakened state before he died ... it's unfair to blame his death on Propofol ...and we've learned this is precisely what lawyers for Dr. Conrad Murray will argue to a jury.
Make that change !!! |
Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ ... Dr. Murray's team will argue that at the time of his death, Jackson's body was failing him ... partly because he was "driven over the edge" by AEG to rehearse for his upcoming tour.
We're told Murray's lawyers will call witnesses to testify that Jackson was not showing up for rehearsals -- and when he did show, he was exhibiting "clear signs" of failing health.
The upshot of the defense ... even if jurors believe Dr. Murray administered the fatal dose of Propofol, Jackson was already in failing health.
But as TMZ has already reported ... Dr. Murray's lawyers will argue Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol to himself when Murray was out of the room. "
sursa : www.tmz.com
puf.. nu stiu pe cine injuri .. ca vb in alta limba!
RăspundețiȘtergereProcesul in care Dr. Conrad Murray pledeaza nevinovat de uciderea KOP va fi televizat.Sa vedem daca are tupeu sa minta atatea milioane de fani sau si mai rau,poate va da totul pe fata.Poate va scoate la iveala chestii care au fost tinute secret pana acum.Totul depinde de cat de multa presiune se va pune pe el la proces :)
RăspundețiȘtergereAha ! Va sa zica asa, domnu’ Bogdan , procesul in care se va apara TALHARUL, UCIGASUL , va fi televizat….?! Cand e vorba de aparat pielea asasinului, se face orice. Ca sa i se dea lui si acolitilor lui iluzia desarta ca vor convinge si prosti o lume intreaga ? Nu ma mir , la cate minciuni sfruntate si batjocoritoare a scornit…..e in stare de orice. Noua, fanilor indurerati, lipsiti de sustinere si aflati la cheremul acestor monstri, nu ne-a mai ramas nimic in afara de a ne ruga cu staruinta LUI D-ZEU sa-i faca odata Dreptate bietului INGER si sa-SI gaseasca linistea binemeritata. ( Va cer iertare, nu am citit textul in engleza , cunostintele mele fiind mai reduse decat minime) . ( Athina )
RăspundețiȘtergereNiciodata nu vom sti adevarul Athina :).... NICIODATA